Sunday, March 12, 2017

Sir Bivalve and the Uruk-Hai

Sir Bivalve and the Uruk-Hai is another playtest of Warrior Heroes: New Dawn, in the works at Two Hour Wargames.  My aim was to try out the mounted rules with mounted on both sides and to use shooting, which I had not before.

Here are the comic pages, which you will have to click on to see full size.

This game only went 3 turns, but was quite a bit more complicated than the comic pages show.  Let me list the opponents and etc.  Sir Bivalve (Star), Sir Remaunch and Sir Greenclaw were all Rep 5, AC 6 with Born To The Saddle trait. The longbowmen were Rep 4 AC 2.  The warg spearman and bowman were Rep 5. All the other orcs were Rep 4. All the orcs were AC 0, except the mounted bowman who was AC 2. The mounted spear was Born to the Saddle, the mounted sword had the Riddle of Steel, and the mounted bowman had the Way of the Hunter.

The Miasma was only 3, but was never passed by enough to matter in any case.  Also, the figure has to active to try his trait.

The bows were pretty much ineffective, even against one another, causing only a retire.  The other retires were caused by Man Down.

Sir Bivalve got in trouble against his mounted opponent, and had to rely on Star Power to save his skin.

It was a pretty uneven affair, with the human knights riding roughshod over the Uruk-Hai.

Sunday, March 5, 2017


Herewith follows a tale of Sir Cammillus driving the daemonettes from his fief, protecting his serfs from their depredations! Two Hour Wargames "Warrior Heroes: New Dawn (Armies and Adventures 2) playtest. I haven't figured out how to make the pages larger, so you'll be obliged to click on them to read the comments.

The purpose of this game was to playtest the new mounted rules which are on the way. Sir Cammillus was a Rep 5; his spearmen Rep 4.  The barbarian (who played very little part in the game) was Rep 5, the daemonettes Rep 4.

I used a combination of the Non-Player Character reactions, and regular character reactions.

The game went 8 turns, mostly because the last daemonette was so difficult to kill.  Sir Cammillus had to use his Star power a number of times to not be Stunned, which would have killed him.  He was down to 3 dice by the end of the game.  The mount is a great equalizer, as it is a larger base, giving a moderator to melee, and allowing the mounted warrior to keep in combat, if he so chooses. The daemonettes had Born To The Saddle trait, and the knight The Riddle Of Steel. Miasma stayed at 4 for the whole game, so the traits failed about 90% of the time, but never badly enough to Stun The user.