So, without further ado, here are my units, set up for THW's Warrior Heroes - Warbands. The units are supposed to start with 6 figures for foot and 5 figures for mounted, plus 1d6 more figures. Since these are intended for convention play, mine are based on the figures I have.
Unit number 1 of peltasts, who were received painted. Shadowforge, who have been touched up. I should point out that all units from this point will be deployed in 2 ranks in gameplay, except perhaps the cavalry.
Peltast unit 2, Eureka, except the Brother Vinnie captive on the right, with an added sword and shield. Think she might command that unit? After all, she has a loincloth! My painting.
Peltast unit 3, unknown manufacturer, and long OOP. Note that they are on even larger bases. They would not stand up without the larger bases, and are quite weak at the ankles. My painting.
Sword Maiden units 1 & 2. Though these are still nominally available from the people who make Flintloque, my last 2 orders did not contain the figure, even though she was shown on the picture of the unit. It has taken quite a while to accumulate the 20 figures I have. As a side note, at a game where the leader is important, and the figure is indistinguishable, I always tell the players it's the redhead, because I don't paint too many.
Armored axe maidens by Shadowforge. These were received painted, and I haven't got to them for touch-up.
Unarmored axe maidens, by Shadowforge. They were also received painted, and I haven't touched them up either. My plan is to combine them with the armored axe maidens as the second rank, making 2 10-figure units. They will be considered Armor Class 4 until they lose half of their number, when they will become Armor Class 2, assuming that the front line has fallen to the enemy.
Maenads, received painted. They are the beserkers of the army, caring not if they die. I'm not sure who the manufacturer is. They have been touched up.
Hoplites, or nobles in the Valkae list. These are the elite heavies. Shadowforge. They were received with black plumes and silver shield rims. The wash used on the shields covered the bottom of the rim. They were too dark for my taste, so I repainted the rims and plumes in green.
Chariots and chariot runners from Eureka. Since there were only 2 chariots in the army as received, I decided to use the runners to bring the unit up to 12. I have not retouched the figures, or even reglued one of the chariot drivers to her chariot, nor replaced a rider's spear.
The "heavy" shock cavalry. These are all Shadowforge. Other than straightening the horn and a weapon or two, I haven't done anything to this unit.
And the centaurs, who also came with green plumes. Oh, my, where did I get the idea for the changes on the hoplites? Also Shadowforge.
There's the whole army, though I have a very few figures more. Its first appearance will be at Hubcon in September in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, where they will be facing my barbarian army. Both armies will be looking to capture mates, for which there are rules in Warrior Heroes - Warbands.