Wednesday, February 10, 2016

NSFW - Nude Amazons + touch-ups.

I got these Amazons on eBay a while back.  They were badly painted and chipped.  I removed all the paint with Super Clean, a purple degreaser available from auto parts stores.  It won't harm plastic or resin.  BIG caveat! Be sure to wear plastic gloves, because it will remove all the natural oils from your hands, and really dry them out. A very little work with a toothbrush after soaking for a little while removes the paint easily.  It may take a second soak in the same liquid to get completely through the primer.

The figures were painted with a variety of skin tones, and then washed with various flesh and brown washes, a single wash to each figure.  The metal parts were painted with IWM Bronze Metallic. The horse hair crests were painted and then washed with a very thin black wash. The shield designs were painted after referring to Thomas Hopes "Costumes of the Greeks and Romans", a Dover press book.

Once they were painted, and their bases flocked, I sprayed them with Armory Matte.  Once they were dry, I coated the metal and shields with Liquitex High Gloss Medium.  And gave their hair a coating of Pledge with Future. I find their faces a bit anime for my tastes.  There also were very deep mold lines that were impossible to remove in some cases.  Good enough for the table.

Here are 4 more of the painted "fantasy" rabble figure I bought painted a while back. I just touch them up and spray them with a dull coat, and cover the things that should be gloss with Liquitex. I see I need to do eyes.
And last, this figure has been languishing, painted, in among unpainted lead since Katrina (2005), So I finally took pity on him, touched him up and recoated his base with clumped static grass.
I figure him for an escaped lunatic who overpowered his guard and took his uniform and gun.
T-t-t-that's all folks!