Tuesday, May 28, 2019

French and Indian War troops

Here's everything I've painted over the years since I've been playing.  I've played French and Indian war with a large number of rules, so the numbers of troops may not conform to your favorite.  Here are the rules I've played under.  Bob Moon's rules, The Sword and the Flame, Brother Against Brother, Flintloque, Long Rifle and Muskets & Mohawks by THW, Sharpe Practice, and Rebels And Patriots.

British Line: Front Rank campaign dress, 36 infantry and 3 officers.

Highlanders: Old Glory 18 infantry, officer and drummer.

British Rangers: Old Glory and Wargames Factory, 12 men.

British Lights: RSM, 18 figures including an officer and drummer

French Line: The London War Room, 29 figures, including 4 officers, 3 NCO's, a drummer and a standard bearer.

French Militia: Old Glory, 32 figures including 2 officers.

Franche de la Marine: Warlord Games and Old Glory, 18 figures including 2 leaders.

Couriers du Bois: Old Glory and Wargames Factory, 12 figures.

British Militia: Old Glory, Wargames Factory and Staden, 56 figures including 3 leaders.

Women and Children: Dixon, Black Orc, Amazon Miniatures, RAFM and Old Glory, 16 figures, plus a dog.

Native Americans, from the RKO tribes: Old Glory and RSM, 54 figures including leaders. (My friend has another 18 painted, and I have another 3 bags of 18 to paint)

That's my collection. The Native Americans are of no particular tribe, since most come from the Old Glory bags.  Don't be too impressed; if you can't tell from all the rules sets they've been played under, this is about 20 years work.  The photography isn't too impressive. I had my contact lenses in while taking them.

Friday, March 1, 2019

More Figures From The Painting Table

As I said in my last post, I have been making a stab at lowering the concentration on my painting table, so more recently painted, or finished, figures.

This was a pre-painted snow leopard with about 6 spots per side.  Also grey.  Not acceptable, so I repainted him.

We have been playing a bit of Zombiecide: Black Plague, and Theresa has claimed Ann as her own.  However, the miniature provided is a bit on the anorexic side, and Theresa is definitely not.  So I did a simple Reaper Bones conversion.

I got this Viking figure in a group that I bought on the Miniatures Page. I don't know the manufacturer, but its quite a nice figure that sat unfinished for 6 months.

I picked up the Frostgrave rules and realized I didn't have any imps! So I bought some from Reaper. What's that? Finish what's on the table?

This elf archer is probably an old Sandra Garrity Grenadier figure.  She was sitting half-finished on the paint table, and now she's off.

Two Black Tree Design evil elf religious figures.  Come on, how much would it have taken to finish them when started? 

Another Reaper mini, a bit on the small side for today's minis.  Another Sandra Garitty, I'm sure. Perhaps she'll fit in a barbarian horde.

This is a very old resin figure, possibly Scotia.  They came in a bag of multiples with slight differences in the figure, i.e.: helmet, armor, face. Another barbarian.

Wizkids pre-primed boars. I really like them! Dark ages, post-apocalypse.

Children.  I haven't checked the makers, but I'm sure the one on the right is Rebel Minis. Whoops, have to paint the eyes on the little girl in the center!

A resin Amazon, possibly from Brother Vinnie. As I do more resin figures, I am becoming less fond of them for table figures.  They are too delicate, and swords, etc, tend to be a bit wiggly.

This is another Wizkids pre-primed figure.  Transparent Tamiya paint on the clear flame. The figures are ok, but, as you can see, the faces are definitely rudimentary.

The other one that came in the pack with the one above.

I've had this figure for a very long time, as identified by being atop a penny, atop a washer.  It's a nice figure, yet another Scandinavian blond to traipse about Sherwood!  Grenadier?

"There are those who call me...Tim!" I've reworked the eyes, but I'm still not satisfied. It's a recent figure, but I can't remember who made it.

This is not newly constructed, but newly returned.  The first edition on THW's "NUTS!" had a learning game using a building of this layout, so I built this from black foamcore, and ran games at conventions.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Myriad Things That Languished On The Painting Table.

I've been down with a bit of congestion lately, nothing serious, but enough with the bad weather to keep me from starting or continuing on any projects. So, a tiny portion of the stuff that has set on my painting for months or (ahem) years has been finished.

First up, there is a plethora of Dejah Thoris (es?).  The one on the left is from the lamented Parroom Station line; the others from Bronze Age Miniatures.  I should point out that these are older figures.  The newer ones are slotta-based. 

Next are Friar Tuck and Little John, from Games Workshop.  The figure for Robin Hood (and Maid Marion) was finished years ago, but these didn't "grab" me as well.

This is the last of my 1001 Nights figures from Reaper Minis. The blue stripes on the pants were painted over the ochre base, though the photo makes it seem otherwise.

...And not Jayne Cobb from Reaper again. I had painted the figure as a 1930's space jock, when the hat and too-modern weapons forced me to repaint him as the hero of Jayneville.

I'm sure this is a Janet Guthrie figure from Reaper, and probably previously from Grenadier.  I have another figure in identical rig, but in a less dynamic pose.

And now we come to the children, of which there are never enough minis.  The one on the left is Wargames Factory, then Reaper, Rebel Minis, and Reaper again.  I painted the boy with the choo-choo with a water pistol, but with modern handguns coming in many colors, it could be a small calibre semi-auto.

Wargames Factory survivor packs supplied the parts for the next two.  Archer fans may recognize an underweight Pam Poovey. We really enjoyed the Tales of the Golden Monkey run.  And yes, I'm working on a coconut bikini-clad Pam, from the chubby Reaper succubus.

Another figure from the Wargames Factory female survivor pack, loaded with pipe bombs and an A-47 or one of its many derivatives. She's torn her jeans.

These guys are from Hasselfree and THW (Two Hour Wargames), adding to my pistol-armed men.  I realized in my convention zombie games that I had too many men with automatic weapons, making it too easy for them to slaughter zombies.  And the guy on the right is one you really want to meet; a drunk with a firearm!

This is a Black Orc Games cheapo figure.  They had a section on their website where one could sculpt a figure and they would add it to their cheapo line. I suppose this is a cultist with the all-seeing eye.

And finally, another Black Orc Games figure.  Though there is some forshortening  due to the camera angle her right hand is really too large.  And she has a little surprise for anyone who responds to her becconing and approaches too closely.

Others may take meds and slump in a chair, but I paint figures when under the weather.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Barsoom! NSFW! Bronze Age Miniatures

I have been painting up a number of old Bronze Age Miniatures, old because they are not the new castings on the slotta bases.  These are being painted for Hubcon in Hattisburg in September.  My only comments are that there are no henna tattoos.  The only time Burroughs mentions any sort of that sort of thing is in A Fighting Man of Mars, when Tavia disguises herself by painting her face as male warriors do (!).

So no real comments; just a bunch of photos.

These are lovely figures, and a joy to paint!

Muskets & Mohawks, Sharp Practice French and Indian War

I just realized that it has been a long time since I made a post here, so here are figures for my French & Indian War games.

The first unit is Front Rank's British in campaign dress, mainly because I hate painting full dress uniforms.  There are 24 rank and file and 3 officers.  This gives me 2 full units in Muskets & Mohawks and 3 groups in Sharp Practice.
Next are 16 British light infantry by Regimental Sergeant Major. They are painted as Gage's light infantry.  RSM's figures are all in the same pose with separate weapons and command included.
And here we have 20 Old Glory Provincial Militia, really from their AWI range, but close enough. There is also an officer.
Old Glory Roger's Rangers.  I only have 8 figures, but that's enough for most games.
Native Americans by Old Glory.  They come from 3 different packs. They'll do for a unit in either rule set.
Highlanders from Old Glory. There are 16 plus an officer and musician.  They are the forty-twa before they got their royal designation.  (I just liked the yellow better!)

French line.  They are really Spanish that I got from The London War Room.  Yes, I know they are not quite right, but they were already painted and only need a change in button color and a Languedoc flag to fit in.  There are 24 rank and file and a few officers and a musician.
Couriers de bois. Once again, only 6 figures.  But that is all that are allowed allowed in Sharp Practice, and enough for Muskets & Mohawks. Old Glory.
French provincial militia.  I have the entire bag of 30 painted.  They are allowed in groups of 6 in Sharp Practice, and as many as the die tells you in Muskets & Mohawks.
More Native Americans, this time from RSM.  There is more variety in this pack than in the British light infantry.
Civilians.  This is a real hodgepodge.  There are figures from Old Glory, RAFM, Dixon, Amazon Miniatures (long gone!), and Black Orc Games, also departed.
And more Native Indians, a mix of Old Glory and RSM.  I didn't realize that one of the Old Glory figures had a musket ball hole in his forehead until I began painting.
I also have 16 French marines painted plus officer.  They are a mix of Old Glory and Warlord Games.  I don't have any pics yet.  I found both brands to be underwelling.

So there we have what I have been doing for a while since Bayou Wars.  Chris and I got to play a game of Sharp Practice, and totally botched the rules but had a good time anyway, good enough to get me to finish my FIW figures!